FAIR website is at BETA stage - development is still taking place
Council logos for Staffordshire, Dudley, Wolverhampton, Walsall and Sandwell
Your one-stop flood information website for Staffordshire and the Black Country

Flood Status dashboard

Data last retrieved: 13:53:23 15 February 2025

Monitoring 179 Environment Agency flood warning / alert areas (179 not currently in force)

The information below is specific to the FAIR project area across Staffordshire and the Black Country. If you are travelling outside this area, other warning and alerts may be in force. Use the Environment Agency Check for flooding service for the status across England.

No Environment Agency alerts or warnings in force in FAIR project area.

Upcoming events

The Staffordshire County Council Flood Management team will be visiting:

More information

More information about our upcoming events, plus previous events can be found on our Community Events page

Project video: Norton Canes Community Library

The first community scheme as part of the FAIR (Flood: Aware, Informed, Resilient) Project has been at the Norton Canes Community Library. 

The library is an important community hub for Norton Canes and neighbouring villages and acts as a safe space and meeting place for many community and voluntary groups. The library entrance was regularly flooded from surface water during rainfall. Larger events flooded the carpark and grounds of a neighbouring church and caused foul sewer flooding to enter the library.