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What is resilience?


The term ‘flood resilience’ and its use in the context of flood risk management has become more familiar over recent years. This includes mentions of community resilience and Property Flood Resilience (PFR).

Definitions for resilience vary depending on the context or the organisations involved, but generally, when talking about flooding and flood risk, we refer to resilience as:

The ability or capacity of people and places to prepare for, protect against, respond to, and recover from damaging flood events.

Developing and adopting flexible and resilient approaches are key to reducing the impact of flood events, both now and in the future. 

Resilience actions for residents, businesses and communities

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There are different actions that can be taken by residents, businesses and communities to improve resilience and better prepare for, protect against, respond to, and recover from flooding. Please visit our Prepare, Protect and Recover pages for more information.

Property flood resilience

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One action that can increase the resilience of properties to flood events, is installing temporary or permanent Property Flood Resilience (PFR) measures. While the risk from flooding can never be stopped completely, these measures can help to resist a certain level of flooding and make recovery from internal property flooding easier. These measures were previously called Property Level Protection. 

Please visit our Prepare page to find out more about PFR.

You can learn more about PFR and see some examples of measures that can help make properties more resilient on the BeFloodReady website.

Flood barrier across external door

Flood Re and Build Back Better

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Flood Re is helping households at risk of flooding get affordable home insurance and Build Back Better by installing Property Flood Resilience when repairing their properties after a flood.