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Flood alerts and warnings

Environment Agency flood warnings

Sign up to flood warnings for river and sea flooding

Flood Alert issued?
Flood Warning issued?
Severe Flood Warning issued?

Flood Alerts and Warnings

The Environment Agency (EA) provides flood warnings for areas that are at risk of flooding from rivers and sea. Current flood alerts and/or warnings in place across Staffordshire and the Black Country are displayed on the homepage.

This information on current alerts and/or warnings, as well as alerts and/or warnings for the whole country is also available on the GIV.UK website via the link below. You can also find information on present river, sea, groundwater and rainfall levels for around 3,500 monitoring stations, predominantly located along main rivers and the coast.

There is currently no warning or forecasting system for surface water or flash flooding. You may therefore still be at risk from this type of flooding. Please see the Check your flood risk page for more information on  viewing your long-term flood risk.

The flood alerts and warnings for river and sea flooding can be provided to homeowners via a call, text or email service. To sign up for this service in England, please use the link below. You will need to provide the address you want the warnings for, an email address and the way you would like to be contacted both day or night. You can also update your details or change the warnings you are signed up for on the same page. 

Alerts and warnings can mean different things. There are three alert/warning levels issued by the EA, these are:

  • Flood alert
  • Flood warning
  • Severe flood warning

Flood alert

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A flood alert means that flooding is possible and you should prepare.

Actions to be taken include:
•    Keeping up to date with flood alerts and warnings.
•    Preparing a flood pack that includes medicines and insurance documents, and have this ready in case you have to leave your home.
•    Checking that you know how to, and are safely able to, turn off your gas, electricity, and water supplies.

Environment Agency Flood Alert icon

Flood warning

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A flood warning means flooding is expected and you should act.

Actions to be taken during a flood warning include all actions for the flood alert, as well as:
•    Turning off gas, water and electricity if it is safe to do so. Never touch an electrical switch if you are standing in water. 
•    Moving things upstairs or to safety.
•    Moving family and pets to safety.
•    Moving your car to higher ground, if it is safe to do so.
•    If you have Property Flood Resilience (PFR) measures that need to be installed, such as flood barriers, air brick covers, or toilet bungs, these should be used now.

Environment Agency Flood Warning icon

Severe flood warning

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A severe flood warning means there is a danger to life and you must act now.

Actions to be taken during a severe flood warning include:
•    Calling 999 if you are in immediate danger.
•    Following advice from emergency services and evacuating if you have been told to.
•    Making sure you have your flood pack.
•    Avoiding driving or walking through floodwater. Just 30cm (1 foot) of fast flowing water can move cars and shallow, moving water can knock you off your feet.
•    Alerting neighbours and offering help if it is safe to do so.
•    Keeping your family and pets safe and away from floodwater. Floodwater can contain hazards that you cannot see for example, heavy debris, sharp objects, manhole covers that have lifted, sewage and chemicals.
•    Washing your hands if you have been in contact with floodwater that may contain toxic substances or sewage.

Environment Agency Severe Flood Warning icon