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What to do in a flood

If there is an immediate danger to life, for instance if someone is trapped in a flooded car or property, call 999


If a flood warning or severe flood warning has been issued you should turn off electricity, gas, and water supplies if it is safe to do so. Never touch an electrical switch if you are standing in water. There is more information below on what actions to carry out, depending on whether a flood alert or flood warning has been issued. 

It is important that you avoid walking or driving through floodwater. 30cm (1 foot) of fast-moving floodwater can move cars and shallow, moving water can knock you off your feet. There could also be hazards that you are not able to see, such as manholes covers that could have lifted, sharp or heavy debris, dangerous chemicals and sewage. Wash your hands if you have been in contact with flood water containing chemicals or sewage.

Phone screen with someone dialling 999

What to do if a flood alert is issued

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If a flood alert has been issued for your area this means that flooding is possible, and you should prepare.

You should:

  • Keep up to date with flood alerts and warnings by signing up and checking these.
  • Prepare a flood pack that includes medicines and insurance documents, and have this ready in case you must leave your home.
  • Check that you know how to, and are safely able to, turn off your gas, electricity and water supplies.
Environment Agency Flood Alert icon

What to do if a flood warning is issued

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If a flood warning has been issued for your area this means that flooding is expected, and you should act.
You should do all the actions for the flood alert and:

  • Turn off gas, water, and electricity if it is safe to do so. Never touch an electrical switch if you are standing in water
  • Move your things upstairs or to safety.
  • Move your family and pets to safety.
  • Move your car to high ground if it is safe to do so.
  • If you have Property Flood Resilience measures that need to be installed, such as flood barriers, air brick covers, or toilet bungs, these should be used now.
Environment Agency Flood Warning icon

What to do if a severe flood warning is issued

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If a severe flood warning has been issued for your areas this means that there is a danger to life, and you must act now.

  • Call 999 if you are in immediate danger.
  • Follow advice from emergency services and evacuate if you have been told to.
  • Make sure you have your flood pack.
  • Avoid driving or walking through floodwater.
  • Alert neighbours and offer help if it safe and you are able to do so.
  • Keep your family and pets safe and away from floodwater.
Environment Agency Severe Flood Warning icon

Advice during a flood

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If you need more advice on flooding, you can contact the National Flood Forum. The National Flood Forum are a charity that have been supporting individuals and communities at risk of flooding since 2002. You can visit their website using the links at the bottom of this section, or contact them on 01299 403 055. 

You can also speak to a FloodLine Advisor on 0345 988 1188. If you are using a textphone, please use 0345 602 6340. This is a 24-hour service but please note that there may be some additional charges. For more information on call charges, please see the link at the bottom of this section.

Emergency planning

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Local authorities have responsibilities for major incidents and emergencies as part of emergency planning. If you need help with finding a rest centre or temporary housing, you will need to contact your relevant local authority. 

See the links below for contact details.

Reporting a flood

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Report a flood here