FAIR website is at BETA stage - development is still taking place

A FAIR approach to community flood risk

The FAIR (Flood: Aware, Informed, Resilient) Approach to Community Flood Risk project, is working innovatively and collaboratively to reduce community flood risk and improve resilience across Staffordshire and the Black Country. 

Through effective community engagement and enabling partnerships between communities and Risk Management Authorities (RMAs), the FAIR project is empowering communities with the skills, knowledge, and resources to actively participate in risk management and resilience activities. 

This participatory approach enables communities and RMAs to work in partnership to co-design and inform decision-making for interventions to improve resilience to flooding (for instance, to reduce damage and disruption and speed up recovery). Within this, we are employing innovative and state-of-the-art physical and digital infrastructure, alongside flood risk interventions, to embed and encourage long-term community engagement and resilience in communities across Staffordshire and the Black Country. 

The FAIR project is one of 25 projects funded by DEFRA as part of the Flood and Coastal Resilience Innovation Project (FCRIP) managed by the Environment Agency to demonstrate how practical innovative actions can improve resilience to flooding and coastal erosion in a changing climate. 

Photo of houses surrounded by fields

Who we are working with

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The FAIR project is being undertaken by Staffordshire County Council in partnership with Lead Local Flood Authorities across the Black Country as well as several other partners to achieve the aims of the project. These partners include:

•    Environment Agency 
•    National Flood Forum 
•    JBA Consulting 
•    Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council
•    Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council
•    City of Wolverhampton Council 
•    Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council 
•    Staffordshire Civil Contingencies Unit 
•    University of Reading
•    University of Wolverhampton

The National Flood Forum (NFF) are working with the FAIR project to engage communities across Staffordshire and the Black Country in risk management activities and Flood Action Groups. 

Logos of organisations involved in the FAIR project

Contact us

Engagement is key to the FAIR Project, and local knowledge will help develop ideas and initiatives! If you would like to get involved or find out more about our project, please email us at fair@staffordshire.gov.uk